The Worldviews we have been taught the last 400 years by our schools, families, religions and society are fragmented at best, a result of the separation of Science & Spirituality..
We are not separate from God, there is no Us & Them, We are All Eternal Souls cocreating the Story of our Universe together, creating greater complexity with each day, experiencing and evolving with it!
Western Science is finally catching up to what Universal Spirituality has always experienced, and been trying to teach Us for eons.
Here are Uncle Gee’s Top 10 videos and books to help Us SEE THE WHOLE.
4 False Beliefs that Society is Built Upon
by Dr Bruce Lipton, cell biologist and lecturer, internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit,
and After Skool, @AfterSkool, We cannot change the world. But we can change ourselves...and that will change the world. The goal of this channel is to empower the individual and deliver profound ideas through art.
We are older than we think
and the 6th attempt we know of by our Ancestors, to transcend the Knowledge Barrier of Evolution; to gnow that there is Abundance for All on our Planet, when we open our Hearts and design it so.
The argument is essentially this: The authorities who study human prehistory are ignoring—or covering up—the true foundations of the world as we know it today.
by Graham Hancock, journalist and author.
The BIG Divorce of Science and Spirituality
Religion has historically done a lot to support and benefit science. Early on, Islamic science flourished in the first two caliphates, making huge advances in medicine, astronomy, and mathematics, including preserving all of the Greek philosophers, mathematicians and playwrights for the West to build upon..
Christians during the reformation broke from the Catholic/Aristotelian understanding of truth and realized that they could understand God better by understanding his creation. Galileo once said, "God is known by nature in his works, and by doctrine in his revealed word." The Jesuits continue to lead scientific research and discovery.
And we cannot ignore the scientific advancements made by the Chinese (a traditionally religious society) as well in engineering, military technology, and astronomy either.
In the 17th century, however, Galileo’s discoveries challenged the ubiquitous power and control of the Church, who disapproved of this theory because the Holy Scriptures state that the Earth is at the center, not the Sun. As the contents of the Bible were taken literally, the publishing of these books proved, to the Church, that Copernicus and Galileo were sinners; they preached, through their writing, that the Bible was wrong.
The Church’s condemnation of Copernicanism and Galileo became the iconic illustration of the problematic relationship between science and religion.The Church’s condemnation of Copernicanism and Galileo became the iconic illustration of the problematic relationship between science and religion, leading to their Big Divorce where Relgion demanded that science stick to a purely mechanical view of the Universe, and leave Spirituality to them.
The BIG Reunion
More than 350 years after the Roman Catholic Church condemned Galileo, Pope John Paul II is poised to rectify one of the Church's most infamous wrongs -- the persecution of the Italian astronomer and physicist for proving the Earth moves around the Sun.
With a formal statement at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences on Saturday, Vatican officials said the Pope will formally close a 13-year investigation into the Church's condemnation of Galileo in 1633. The condemnation, which forced the astronomer and physicist to recant his discoveries, led to Galileo's house arrest for eight years before his death in 1642 at the age of 77.
The dispute between the Church and Galileo has long stood as one of history's great emblems of conflict between reason and dogma, science and faith. The Vatican's formal acknowledgement of an error, moreover, is a rarity in an institution built over centuries on the belief that the Church is the final arbiter in matters of faith.
The centuries long repression by religion, has led to Western Science blindingly believing the story impinged on them, that the Universe is Material, and without Purpose beyond competition. That We, and all of Nature, are separate from God.
Modern Science is built and financed based on a worldview of Separation.
Science Set Free, aka The Science Delusion, by Rupert Sheldrake, biologist and author
In The Science Delusion: Freeing the Spirit of Enquiry (published in the US as Science Set Free), Rupert shows the ways in which science is being constricted by assumptions that have, over the years, hardened into dogmas. He examines ten of these dogmas, turning them on their heads, to show that new possibilities for discovery await us beyond the materialist paradigm.
According to these dogmas, all of reality is material or physical; the world is a machine, made up of inanimate matter; nature is purposeless; consciousness is nothing but the physical activity of the brain; free will is an illusion; God exists only as an idea in human minds, imprisoned within our skulls.
But should science be a belief-system, or a method of enquiry? Rupert shows that the materialist ideology is moribund; under its sway, increasingly expensive research is reaping diminishing returns while societies around the world are paying the price.
First published in 2012, an updated edition was released in the UK in 2020.