A WholeWorld-View

How we see Reality, the Universe and our Role in it, is called our worldview, and collectively, our cosmology

It is time to liberate, expand and evolve our worldview from seeing the world through separation and competition, as if Life was a finite game, a Sports Tournament that will have 1 winner.

The Cosmology of our times is a WholeWorld-View understanding that our Universe exists to Evolve, and evolves with Purpose to create greater complexity, and experience that.

That we are playing an Infinite Game, whose purpose is to keep the game going, Evolution, to the inclusion and benefit of All involved.


The emerging story of our time, the science of spirituality, is best being articulated by a group of sciencists and spiritualists.

It empowers us to envision and gives us hope to co-create a love-based rather than separation-based future and where regenerative and sustainable development is a natural outcome of a world that works for all people and our planetary home.

During the coming few years we will encounter major tipping points in our relationships with each other and our planetary home, and have to make choices that will determine whether we are to not only survive, but thrive, and evolve as a species.

While some hope that technology will provide last minute solutions to our global emergencies, its inventions are still based on a polarised and materialist world-view which continues to drive our collective unsustainable behaviors with regard to people and planet.

Instead, leading-edge scientific discoveries at all scales of existence and across many fields of research are revealing that our Universe is innately inter-connected; the Science of Unity Awareness.

This WholeWorld-View reconciles with universal spiritual traditions to reveal the unified nature of reality and is articulated in the book, The Cosmic Hologram by Dr. Jude Currivan, has the potential to transform and heal our fragmented perspectives.